Join Us

you can be a part of our work by way of the following positions

  • Fellow: – The Fellowship is a self standing program of DEVISE under its research wing Sayukti Collective. The program is aimed at providing Individuals from Marginalised community an opportunity to gain exposure to the nuances of designing and conducting law and policy research within their own communities. Along with this the fellows supplement the research being done by Sayukti Collective by acting as a resilient ground support mechanism.

  • Teacher/Librarian – The research scope of Sayukti encompasses education by studying the teaching methodologies at ground level. We hope to provide an inclusive learning environment for children and contribute in making education accessible by introducing unique teaching modules. Teachers/Librarians are required to collect and provide data accordingly.

  • Research Assistants – The research being conducted by Sayukti Collective requires an extensive amount of secondary research to establish the theoretical framework for any of our research projects. The research assistants will be providing us with the much needed support in this area of our work.