Active Citizenship through smartphone Film Making

From 1st April 2024 to 5th April 2024 DEVISE conducted a workshop on film making as a medium for raising social issues. This was a part of our Sayukti Fellowship. This workshop helps our fellows to gain the skill of filmmaking as a means of articulating their research to the public.

As a part of the workshop, the participants were divided into groups, and each group made a short film on an issue of their choice. These films have been shared below.

Issue : Mobile Phone Addiction

Group Members : 

Issue : Cyber Safety for Children

Group Members : 

Issue : Impact of Alcoholism on Family

Group Members : Amir, Chhavi, Indrajeet, Khushi, Nandini, Sanjay, Rahul

Issue : Impact of Patriarchy on Men

Group Members : Abhishek, Anisha, Harsh, Jayshree, Puniya, Uday

Issue : Climate Change

Group Members : Aanya, Anjani, Armaan, Dharmendra, Jitu, Phulmanti, Prabhakar, Samir

Issue : Overview of the workshop

Group Members : Anooj, Kishan Pritesh