Community Library - Chauharmalnagar

Following the Reading Room at ZPHS Pudur we had tried to establish community libraries at various other locations but due to the lack of adequate space we were unable to complete the process. In 2022 we finally got a chance to establish a community library in Chuharmalnagar, Patna.
Chuharmal Nagar is a locality belonging to the Dalit Community. A group of boys, who are in varying stages of their studies, started using an abandoned community room for self-study and to teach the younger children. As we started interacting with these boys, it came to our knowledge that they wish to turn the space into a community library. They wanted to do this because neither the children in their community have access to good schooling because of the poor state of government schools nor do they have a suitable environment to study at home. DEVISE through its research arm Sayukti Collective joined hands with this group and we are working to towards formalising the space into a proper community library.