The Issue Identified
Several parts of the Indian State and its population remain agonized from some of the most basic problems of lack of education, lack of livelihood and access to information. The access to the information with regards to its laws and policies made to uplift its population from the vicious cycle of poverty and related concerns stops the people from questioning the State and its inaction. Further, the population becomes unable to take the benefit of schemes and policies that come into action for them. One of the states which is in acute distress due to lack of awareness, is the state of Bihar. Two of the examples of schemes of which the people of Bihar have not been able to take the advantage of due to lack of awareness, are the Ayushman Bharat Scheme (Nidhi Sharma, Economic Times), and MNREGA (Paheli Report, ASER, Pratham). The existing power dynamics, non-implementation of schemes, and little to no knowledge about the policies and schemes lead the people of Bihar to exploitative gates of judicial platform, which still lingers on with more than 15 lakh pending cases due to several reasons (National Judicial Data Grid, 23 Jan 2023). The most oppressed of all the population receive the end of the stick and experience ‘unfreedoms’ along with no agency or voice in any kind of decision making process.
The Ongoing Discourse
The inclusion of people in policy making and decision making processes takes into account the realities of the ground and helps people understand the benefits that are available for them. State intervention is no longer limited to technocratic tasks like building infrastructure, hiring staff and implementing schemes. Rather the state is expected to protect socio-economic rights of citizens by guaranteeing an array of public services (Aiyar, Dongre, Davis, 2015).
The inclusion of people in policy making and decision making processes takes into account the realities of the ground and helps people understand the benefits that are available for them. State intervention is no longer limited to technocratic tasks like building infrastructure, hiring staff and implementing schemes. Rather the state is expected to protect socio-economic rights of citizens by guaranteeing an array of public services (Aiyar, Dongre, Davis, 2015).
Thus, Sayukti
Sayukti Collective is a legal research team that aims to work on the democratization of research (knowledge) and capacity-building interventions. These interventions will be done along with members of socially excluded groups via a Fellowship Model. It will enable them to exercise their agency and demand justice from the State by training them to become a part of the discourse. The Collective designs interventions with respect to research, awareness, and upskilling to address one of the critical impediments to our vision – lack of information and capacity.
Upcoming Reports

Athi Project - Ramnagar
An Upcoming report on the interconnection between social change and transitory organisations.

Impact of Bihar Excise Act on Livelihood and Education
A research study on the impact of Bihar Excise and Prohibition Act on the Mussahar Community in Patny