The Fellowship
The Issue
Dignity and the idea of autonomy engulfed within its umbrage are a necessity for leading a wholesome human life. Lack of awareness and capacity to act are amongst the most lethal impediments in the path of any individual or community to secure dignity for itself. This becomes a graver issue for people from marginalized communities. Interventions by Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations focus primarily on addressing the visible and tangible problems like school enrollments, labor registrations etc. The focus is not on making the people independent active citizens.
The Action
The work being done by Sayukti Collective (Research Wing of DEVISE) seeks to tackle this lack of sustainable solutions. Sayukti Collective aims to develop fellowships which provide selected fellows with a gradual and context specific learning curriculum in accordance with their existing capacities. The program will help the fellows to become socially responsible and independent individuals who can carry their community forward. The fellowship aims to train the fellows to become self-sufficient to research about and deal with any socio-legal issues which they and their community face.
Our Model
Working with marginalised communities to introduce the youth to research as a tool for social change.